A Tried and Tested Formula for Parents To Teach Their Children How to Read


When Sharon Swisher Hitz realized that her oldest daughter was struggling to read, she decided to investigate. Sharon discovered that her daughter is slightly dyslexic. So, she had to change her approach towards teaching her daughter how
to read.

And after doing some research online, Sharon stumbled on the Children Learning Reading Program that is becoming synonymous with helping kids learn how to read. Since she started using the program, Sharon has seen a significant improvement in her daughter’s reading skills.

We found this program and started using it and have seen a dramatic improvement! This program has been a huge blessing to us! Now, she loves to learn to read.”

>> Click here to learn about a simple, yet effective step-by-step teaching Children reading program 

>What are some of the benefits of using the Children Learning Reading Program?

       It uses scientifically proven methods to teach children how to read. There is a knowledge base on how impactful Phonemic awareness and synthetic phonics are in teaching children of different ages how to read

       Synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness speed up the reading and spelling skills of children

       The program is suitable for children of all ages

       Synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness, and reading Boosts your child’s IQ by at least 6 points

       Your child will be reading to learn as other kids learn to read and play catch up

Watch How Sharon’s 3 Years Old Daughter Read Fluently


What makes the Children Learning Reading Program such a powerful tool?

It uses short, brilliant, and interesting methods to teach. Lessons are specifically designed to grab the child’s attention and get them to focus on the learning and want to get more out of it.

Unlike other programs, Children Learning Reading applies the fundamentals of Phonemic awareness and synthetic phonics to teach toddlers, children of different ages, and even grown-ups how to read.

The program is straightforward enough to the point that a parent can understand it and comfortably teach their kid the phonemes and phonics. Adults too can internalize it easily and go through the lessons without much fuss because every step is supposed to be a build-up to the next one.

The lessons come in the form of videos, and you know how powerful visuals are in conveying a message. The program also offers audio recordings of phonic sounds, fun lesson exercises, and games to keep kids engaged when learning.

Where can I get the Children Learning Reading Program?

Are you impressed and eager to see firsthand what the program can do for your kid?

Then get your child the best tools to succeed by starting them off with phonics lessons.

“Great program. Taught my son how to read, just as the program promised. He started the program at age 4 and 2-months into the program, he was reading sentences. This is truly an amazing program. It’s a small price to pay for all the digital files and videos that come with this program. Totally worth it!”

Milen Amde



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